Good Job Pediatric PT

Little Rockstar Physical Therapy Intensive Program

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Intensive therapy services offered

  • Physical Therapy evaluations and consultations
  • Physical Therapy 1-2 weeks long intensives ( 1 or 2 hours/ day)
  • Adaptive equipment consultation

What is intensive physical therapy?

The intensive physical therapy model maximizes the number of physical therapy sessions in a short amount of time. Typical intensives include two 60 minute therapy sessions 5 days a week for 1-2 weeks but there is variability in this model and Good Job pediatric PT, LLC can customize each intensive to the needs of your child and your goals. Multiple therapy modalities (including DMI and NDT techniques, vibration plate, theratogs and TASES) and progressive and repetitive gross motor exercises are used to help children make fast gains towards the next developmental skill. The goal of an intensive is to stimulate neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and create new neuronal pathways, so that the brain can work more efficiently to control muscles, posture and movement. Intensives are appropriate for children of almost any age and skill level. Please contact me if you have any questions about how an intensive can help your child.

What is DMI therapy?
Dynamic Movement Intervention is a set of comprehensive therapeutic techniques used to treat children with gross motor and neurologic impairments. DMI uses unique and challenging exercises to promote postural responses and movement skills to help children progress towards age appropriate milestones. DMI therapy can be used as part of any child’s therapy program regardless of their current motor skills or cognitive level. This intervention stimulates neuroplasticity to facilitate the creation of new neuronal connections in the developing brain. DMI therapy works very well in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques and modalities. Currently, I am intro level B DMI certified therapist. 

What is NDT therapy?
Neurodevelopmental treatment therapy is a highly specialized, client centered treatment approach used to help children, who have sustained neurologic damage. NDT uses hands on techniques and positioning to enhance a patient’s postural control and movement abilities and make functional everyday tasks more efficient. NDT therapy addresses rehabilitation of the whole person. The techniques used are highly individualized and tailored to each child’s specific needs and goals. Children of any age and any skill level, regardless of the severity of injury, are appropriate for NDT therapy. I have been C/NDT therapist for almost 10 years now. 

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Pediatric physical therapy intensive
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