Good Job Pediatric PT

Baby PlayGroup Classes


New group start each month!

Itty Bitty Tummy Time play group ! (Ages 2wks-6 months)
  • Monday @ 9:30 am
  • Led by pediatric physical therapist Dr. Maitri Mehta, PT, DPT
  • Tummy time tips and tricks from infant development expert, to help make tummy time fun for you and your baby. Learn positions and play ideas to help your baby meet developmental milestones. Information/discussion about baby equipments and their use. Best part of the class you get to bond with your baby and meet local parents with babies!!
  • You’ll  also learn infant massage strokes to improve bonding, relaxation, digestion, sleep and much more!
    Handouts will be provided at the time of the session.
  • This is a hands- on and interactive group.
Catch me if you can…. crawlers and cruisers play group! (6 months- pre-independent walking babies)
  • Wednesday @9:30 am
  • Led by pediatric physical therapist Dr. Maitri Mehta, PT, DPT
  • If your baby is getting ready to move and groove and is ready to explore his/her environment then this class is for you!! This class focuses on age -appropriate gross motor play ideas while sneaking in sensory, fine motor play and social play. Come join us!
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